Monday, December 14, 2009

Week 15 Theme 1st One

Week 15 Theme 1

It's like falling from a plane - you just want to get the landing over with so you will know if you've survived it or not. But you you fall - you tend to really see a lot, a lot of the world around you - you learn a lot and think about a lot. And when you've realized you've survived the landing - you are a bit wiser, stronger and better because of it.

Rootbeer is on the way.

People never understand death - even when they go through it...sometimes they still don't get it. Why? Because it's different for everyone. The same death could be handled 100's of different ways. I mean we all eat an Oreo the same way - nope.

Bunnies are in the mail.

If they keep at you....ask them, "have you ever burned yourself? Have you ever purposely stuck any part of your body into hot scorching flames?" There answer to the 2nd question will be, “No”. So ask them..."Why do you want me to?"

Hives suck!

Niece: When life hands you a lemon, say F*** the lemon and bail.
Aunt: Embrace the lemon, they are good. You can squeeze them and shoot juice in the eye of whoever handed it to you – laugh and then bail.

The square route of pi is apple.


  1. This is one of those pieces that's a step too far for me; I can see the door, can admire some of its features, but don't have the key to unlock it. You'll have to decide whether I'm being a little dense or you're being a little obscure.

  2. Your not dense, it's me...little too obscure. This was one of the weeks that, though the examples were good, there were too many. (I know - don't have to read them all if I don't want to...but to learn, I feel I should) It was hard to take it and make it my own. I could also see with this week how it would depend on the audience because reading back on this one, I can see why it is unclear to you but say....for example, I was preparing for a family get together - watched some home videos from past events and took a bit from each of them and put it together in a creative would work...but again not for everyone. For everyone, it seems it would have to be kept a bit generic (like the one done from adds). Like the pieces people did on this class and things they and you have said - I cracked up reading those - I got it but when I reread them to my sister...she didn't get it. (And not because they were not good)

    Hmmm, so, ok, rambled here...but is it that this week you have to really consider your audience?

  3. Aw, you always have to consider your audience, but that doesn't mean you have to spoon feed it or give it only sweets or always have a smile. You can frown, turn away, offer porridge, be mysterious, do lots of things--but you always have to keep that audience in mind. Think dance: you're dancing with the audience, leading it, calling the steps, calling the tune, deciding whether it's waltz or tango or headbanging. If you do it right, the audience is happy to follow your every move, and everyone has fun. If you don't, sore toes!
